Personal Blog

When you have no words…

Yesterday, I learned that one of my sweetest friends passed away unexpectedly. She was exuberant and vivacious, so incredibly full of life, and to hear that she is gone is just...numbing. I met Leslie when we worked at the same district. She was the Instructional Coach for ELA at the district, so I spent many… Continue reading When you have no words…

Trades of Hope

Meet the Artisan Monday πŸ˜

Ivania is a mother that lives in the slum area of Costa Rica. She has a child with a disability, making it hard to be away from the home all day during work. With this artisan group, Ivania is able to work from home and take care of her children in the way they deserve.… Continue reading Meet the Artisan Monday πŸ˜

Trades of Hope

Summer Sale – 50% OFF!

Have you heard the big news?!?! Trades of Hope has over 50 items on SALE for 50% off!!! This means you can get more accessories and provide even MORE women in poverty with a sustainable income at the same time! ** ALL artisans are paid up front and sales do no thinder their wages <3… Continue reading Summer Sale – 50% OFF!