Personal Blog

When you have no words…

Yesterday, I learned that one of my sweetest friends passed away unexpectedly. She was exuberant and vivacious, so incredibly full of life, and to hear that she is gone is just…numbing.

I met Leslie when we worked at the same district. She was the Instructional Coach for ELA at the district, so I spent many hours with her, under her guidance and tutelage as I learned how to incorporate the “district way” of writing into my overflowing toolbox of teacher tricks. That same year, I was overgoing a bit of an overhaul, personally, physically. She joined me on that journey and we spent afternoons walking Cosmo Park, talking and laughing.

It was in those walks that I learned just how incredibly lucky I was to be in her presence. You see, Leslie’s world…her people orbit around her. She is the guiding light, the person whom 6-degrees of separation stems off of. She wasn’t narcissitic or egotistical, people were just naturally drawn into her gravitational pull…because that’s exactly what it was – her ENERGY drew you in. All in.

All in. Just like Leslie, who committed to everything and everyone 10000%. There was no half-in, half-out with her. It was all or nothing. And I am so incredibly grateful that my five years of friendship with her has felt like a thousand lightyears. I just wish I could have a thousand more.

You will be missed beyond measure, Leslie. Forever and always, my bubbly, unconditionally loving friend you’ll be.

Me and Leslie

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